Math Techbook

Experience math in ways never before possible
See how Math Lessons Apply to Our World

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Take a look at Math Techbook in action.
Research Based and Industry Approved
Math Techbook has been independently verified to meet the highest levels of mathematical content and pedagogy by EdReports and SpotOn, including perfect scores in the quality of mathematics and pedagogical content for its middle school math curriculum– making Math Techbook an essential math resource for teachers.
Bring Mathematics to Life for All Students
Math Techbook has been independently verified to meet the highest levels of mathematical content and pedagogy by EdReports and SpotOn, including perfect scores in the quality of mathematics and pedagogical content for its middle school math curriculum– making Math Techbook an essential math resource for teachers.

Math Techbook: Discover. Practice. Apply.
Accolades for Math Techbook
Available Courses for Math Textbooks
Math Techbook is available to support middle school and high school math curriculums in the following courses:
- Grades 6 Math
- Grade 7 Math
- Grade 8 Math
- Algebra I
- Geometry
- Algebra II
- Integrated Math I
- Integrated Math II
- Integrated Math III

Math Lessons Designed for Flexible Instructional Settings
Whether every student has a device, several students share a device, or the whole class engages with a large display, teachers can easily plan math lessons to meet every student's needs. Comprehensive resources, student activities, and model lessons are at teachers’ fingertips in one easy-to-navigate site.

Makes Differentiation Easier
Meet the unique needs of your students with a variety of differentiation tools integrated at point of use. An extensive collection of Technology Enhanced Items (TEIs) and online entry items are embedded throughout the lesson plans for math to help teachers uncover what students already know. Student responses are fed directly to the teacher dashboard, providing instant access to data about student knowledge to accelerate or remediate instruction as needed.

Professional Support and Growth
Math Techbook makes online math programs easier than ever by providing full access to just-in-time support tools, a curated collection of vetted content and strategies, live and virtual professional development experiences, and a network of math educators.

Teach Math Lessons Using a Flexible and Balanced Approach to Learning
Designed to meet students and teachers where they are, this digital math textbook has the flexibility to help all learners. Using a Discover – Practice – Apply learning cycle, Math Techbook balances conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and real-world application to help students deeply master mathematical concepts and develop lasting proficiency.